
Friday, March 6, 2015

Hofbrauhaus: Cheers and Beers!

 Hofbrauhaus: a purely german experience for all to embrace and enjoy, regardless of an individual's heritage. The rich history behind the origination of the first brew house, shared on the back of the menu, will have you intrigued and (if you live in Columbus) will give you a sense of pride associated with being a part of this magical piece of the past, as it has only two locations in Ohio, and limited locations in the U.S!

If you're looking for some weekend excitement, this is the place you will want to stop in for a beer, or two. Check out their beer selection here: If you like something with less of a hop taste, and have a sweet palette, try the Hefe Weizen Radler- my ultimate favorite beer- which I crave on the regular. It is filled with fruit flavors and has a light hop to it, but the mix of lemonade is really what makes this beer "Oh, so Fabulous".  This isn't your average bar scene, with family style seating (benches and long tables) and accordion players livening up the atmosphere, it is truly a one of a kind experience that will have you coming back as often as you possibly can! It can get pretty rowdy on those weekend nights, so leave the kids at home. Any other day, it can make for a great adventure; you're almost guaranteed to have loads of fun. The rowdy crowd makes the night as people begin to get up and dance on the benches and tables (all the while watching their step to avoid any food). On my next trip there, as long as there are 3-4 of us, we are certainly taking shots- they are served on a ski's (yes, snow ski's as in winter sports) and with some team work involved, everyone tips back and takes one back! Exhilarating, from what I can tell.

After eating this rich, heavy meal you will be looking to dance off some calories anyhow; or if you're like me, you'll be ready for a nap! If you aren't there to get bogged down with food, their appetizers are the perfect size for groups and will leave you more than satisfied. Be experimental: try out the "Yard" sampler, but do not leave without having some sauerkraut balls and potato pancakes with applesauce! I have only had one bad experience here and it certainly was not related to the food. Every time I go, I HAVE to have the Heidelberger Rahm Spatzle, even typing it makes my mouth water... if you intend on making several trips, at least try this out once. You may even feel the need to come back the next day and order some more, if your stomach can handle that. Jake is always raving about their sausages and I would definitely say it's within reason, they come in a variety of different styles and plate combos. The purple apple sauerkraut on the other hand was not too appetizing to us, that is. Our one bad service experience occurred on a Sunday, which we got there around the time the open and were seated immediately. Then another group was seated in the same area, and the server came to get their drink orders, before ours, and returned with their drinks before even acknowledging us. Rude. So after watching the waiter return, and hearing a group of servers and staff behind us just chatting it up outside of the kitchen, we decided to simply move to the bar, which was in our best interest. We immediately were taken care of, drinks came right up and we were able to place our orders on our time. Keep in mind, they were not busy at this time. This bartender has become our favorite and we usually try to sit at the bar on most occasions.

Another small complaint I have was from our last visit, on a relatively busy night with a seemingly packed house. As we ordered a round of beer, the server checks ID, taking a thorough look over Jake's (which I completely understand) then he takes mine, looks at it, looks back at me, then back at my ID... this happens a few times.. and I hope you can just picture the absolute awkwardness of the situation. I am turning 24 this month, I doubt to most people that I look younger than 21, but to him I must have. He then asks me if I dyed my hair, which in my ID pic from when I was 19 (since I had lost it previously and had to replace it) showed me with dark brown hair, a hideous-orange glow of a tan, and I had lost about 45lbs since that time, making a significant difference in my face, especially. I told him that I dyed my hair quite often (come on, what woman doesn't unless she has ridiculously beautiful locks already)... then he questioned my birth date, saying " March 26th..." and trailing off waiting for me to say the year. So I did, with some irritation showing in my voice. After that, he hands back my ID and says "OK"... five minutes later a security guard is standing next to our table with his back to us, but looks back over his shoulder as the server whispers into his ear. Jake and I had quite a laugh about the entire thing, but clearly people change, looks and all, I have never been confronted or asked about my ID until this night, and I took it as quite an insult. I would understand if I had been with a larger group of people or if I was being rambunctious but sitting there with my boyfriend on a Saturday night, I was just blind-sided.

Overall, it is an intensely welcoming place to soak in some German culture, take back a cold one (usually a liter at a time, if you dare) and make memories with good friends, family, and loved ones. If you have someone visiting from out of town who partakes in drinking a few beers and prefers to have a great time, then this is the place to take them! The less shy you are here, the better, and the more you'll really get out of the entire experience. Hofbrauhaus definitely has a community of it's own, go join in!

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