
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cork with a side of Orchids; The Scent of Romance

Valentine's Day... A holiday to celebrate love and romance, or as my boyfriend would say, a day to celebrate me and do whatever it is I please since, to him, it is a day all about the ladies. (read with a sarcastic tone). Of course I ignored his sarcasm and completely embraced my lady power I was granted for this day, ergo- we winded up at Cork and the Franklin Park Conservatory. My main draw to visit the conservatory was the annual Orchid exhibits, being that they are one of my favorite flowers, but I can't say I was all that impressed. If it wasn't for the chocolate and alcohol pairings, I may have left in a state near depression and close to disappointment. But, let's go over one of the most decadent, intimate restaurant's in town, that Jake and I have become extremely fond of, either because of the charming service or the delightfully tasty small plates that we can devour in no time; without a glimpse of hunger left. Plus, you'll get to enjoy a nice full-bodied wine, if thats what you prefer, that simply balances the meal of your choice.

Cork, with its romantic setting, dim lights and only a few tables in the small location, it gives you a feeling similar to that of eating a nice dinner in the comfort of your home. The relaxing atmosphere allows you to sit back, lift your glass of wine, cheers to your loved one, and take in every moment... without the rush of waiters bustling by or being asked what you'd like for your meal 10x before you're absolutely ready. There are two waitresses that have worked there since it has opened and they have been nothing but kind and helpful each time we have gone, giving us valuable recommendations for meals and wines to try. For us wine lovers, there is an entire wall filled with different kinds of vino that may have you staring in wonder, and they don't break the bank (which is a high-point for us, as we try to stick to our strict budget and indulge ourselves at times, too). Our all-time most delectable plates there, that are highly recommended, are: the veal meatballs, fondue, and prosciutto wrapped shrimp. The truffle bacon popcorn was rather a disappointment, but it could have been that ours was overcooked and dry, instead of being fluffy and melt-in-your-mouth the way popcorn should be. They also had a special appetizer, mussels in a marinara sauce, that had a very savory taste but the sauce could have been thicker since it seemed to be the bread that gave it the well-rounded taste instead of the actual dish. (which there bread is to DIE for).

Now, the main course is served... Jake had the shrimp and risotto, which unfortunately was cooler than room temperature when it got to him since there is only one cook and it had to have sat there while my salmon was being cooked. It didn't lack taste though, all it took was heating it up at home and it was a great meal. However, I cannot say the same for my salmon. It was undercooked throughout the middle and I did not care to make a scene about getting it cooked longer, so I ate the outsides and I liked the idea behind the dish. It is salmon with a sweet, but slightly bitter, lemon vinaigrette with asparagus and sliced potatoes. The combination hit every single one of the flavors I crave in a solid dinner plate, leaving my tastebuds fully satisfied. We may be sticking to the never disappointing appetizers with a bottle of wine from now on, but this place is still four stars to me for the overall experience and environment.

Off to the Conservatory, and what a shame that was. I am a die hard fan of orchids, with their illuminating, vibrant colors and exotic appearance, they are truly aesthetically pleasing to behold. Complaint #1: I hardly noticed that it was the Orchid Exhibit. We walked through the main area and over to start our Chocolate/Alcohol Pairing tour, it wasn't until we entered this hallway that I even noticed Orchids on display. Complaint #2: the orchids were mainly the same color throughout the conservatory (even grocery stores have more of a variety of coloration in their floral shops). I might have gone with too high of expectations, since last winter they had the Bruce Munro light exhibit which simply blew my mind with it's eccentricity and beauty. Complaint #3: (which I saw coming) there were so many people wandering through that instead of taking in the surroundings, I found myself more focused on dodging the groups of people or weaving through them on the walk way. I would not recommend going for events! However, a turn for the positive came when we tried the Crusher red wine, paired with a cherries and cream chocolate, but it was the wine that was unforgettable! It smelled of bacon and savory goodness. My, oh, my is it the best of both worlds?! I never thought my two favorite food/drinks in this world could combine to make such a burst of fulfillment and satisfaction.. so vino & bacon enthusiasts, Crusher is the wine for you. Here is it's flavorful breakdown: "This velvety blend opens with a fruity bouquet of cherry cola, ripe berries, and bacon coupled with toasty notes of cedar and sassafras. On the palate, a flavorful array of boysenberries, raspberries and blueberry pie take center stage complimented by hints of vanilla and root beer on the finish." What more could you ask for? Our obsession with this wine meant that there was no doubt we would buy the bottle at the end of the tour, which we were ever so delighted to find out that we could! The chocolate of the night had to be the Ghost Chili Caramel. Most people are probably thinking, whoa, stop right there and grab the firehose- but let me stop you- it had just the right amount of ghost chili to liven up your tastebuds, but not enough to leave you searching for the nearest glass of water. In my opinion, it was less hot than your regular hot wings. The ghost chili has a different flavor that was the perfect kick of heat and not overwhelming whatsoever. (We will be looking at their website to consider buying some of these delectable, delightful, caramels ASAP).

The overall experience was wonderful, partly because of who I was sharing that time with, and we did get to enjoy the music (live band) and the extremely talented couple who was dancing to the tunes! Sadly enough, I probably won't return for the Orchid Display again, unless we decide to do something at whim on a Saturday or Sunday.

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